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04/23/17 11:53 AM

#87537 RE: al44 #87533

yea,...the Fed's QE really worked to stimulate the economy ,..NOT !!!!!

this is getting sick al.

lies, lies and more lies from every department of this government.

the Unemployment is not 4.8% as the government reports,..

it's 8.9% for March 17,...proof,...

plain and simple 'we the people' need to 'wake the F up !!!'

stupid is as stupid does,...and we deserve what we are getting IF we don't stand up and challenge these elected criminals (congress, Senate, Wall Street, ALL the banks,etc)

i certainly realize that we all are under stress and fear,...but at one point a line in the sand needs to be drawn,...enough is enough.

like this;


04/23/17 4:15 PM

#87538 RE: al44 #87533

a|44: Thank Jeff Bezos. I believe an anti-trust suit will come next year. He made an enemy of Trump, and Amazon is way out of control, imo.

Mall-Wart killed many small town economies, and now we have Amazon killing everything!