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04/23/17 11:54 AM

#17631 RE: VapeDog #17629

Didn't PixelMags tweet come out of India last week?


04/23/17 4:55 PM

#17636 RE: VapeDog #17629

"PKGM is a Gift at these prices".... apparently the gift that keeps on giving because there are enough available shares to blanket the globe twice at 7.5 billion people and it appears thats what the manger of this pos is attempting to do. I own more shares than most here do but i refuse to make excuses for what seems very obvious by now, we have been given no explanation for the monstrous increase in AS nor the incredible dilution afterward, so I assume the worst because that is what goes on in the pinks. Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, must be a scammer duck running this !!!!! Prove me wrong management, any time

watchful eye 33

04/24/17 12:02 PM

#17647 RE: VapeDog #17629

Sounds like Vape can see through the trees Baby!!!