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04/22/17 2:46 PM

#210799 RE: DewDiligence #210794

i notice that mr mkt has been waking up to this fact for a while now as achn mc has shrunk to below enta. at one time it was easily twice.

for a long time (actually it seemed to be too long for me lol) i surmise achn mc was being propped up by a cult following. but the cult is losing steam and followers. i haven't heard of bo talk lately but then i don't follow it closely.


04/25/17 11:02 AM

#210849 RE: DewDiligence #210794

>>JNJ/ACHN—3-DAA* HCV regimen has good-news/bad-news—mostly bad

So here's my question: Is it not plausible that the bulk of the yet untreated patients in the US fall in the non-cirrhotic GT1 category? My assumption is that the "tough" patients have been treated first and that the bulk of the residue constitute "easy" patients.

Thoughts? Will the market demand a pan-genotype treatment, or will patients still be genotyped and segregated into categories to be treated accordingly? If the latter, I could see a role for a 6 week treatment for the easy patients. So will JNJ take this forward?