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04/22/17 11:31 AM

#13934 RE: tdbowieknife #13933

Even clown lawyer Henry Klein knows that...

And his affiliation with Cardinal please ??? Is he a real person or made up character I wonder? Investors should know to validate he is real, right?????

Even if they were contacted and a suit came, most likely they would settle without admitting or denying guilt and get back to business.

Many small penny sstocks are under attack by The Hedge Funds and Illegal Naked Short Selling. The SEC is well aware of that as weel.

They just prosecuted Platinum Partners for that and won. My last wooden nickle this stock is under attack.

Hey, maybe they should contact that Clown Henry guy. I hear he has a Federal Tort against the SEC now, THAT IS STILL ACTIVE lmao

That seems to be the norm these days. Investors have no need to worry

* wink wink *