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04/21/17 7:02 PM

#121382 RE: bananarama #121380

Bananarama......I traditionally just reinvested in Apple for many years, but since November 2015 I have been buying KBLB with my dividend payments and have been able to purchase 28,000 more shares and lower my cost average from $.14 to $.11 so 3 more cents I will be at the break even point. A majority of my shares were bought in May 2011 at $.13 & $.14 unfortunately i didn't sell when it hit $.21 just weeks later. There is talk that Apple will raise the dividend significantly this coming QTR so I will be able to purchase a few extra shares. I am up to 122,080 shares so hopefully by the time this stock really takes off I will be up to 150K shares. Once we hit $8.19 I will be a millionaire. I am not lucky enough to have got in at $.02 and accumulate millions of shares. Can't wait for the day KBLB makes it too the finish line, but I think this year or next year will finally be the year that this thing hits a dollar no matter what Mojo thinks.

Good luck to all the longs.