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04/21/17 3:41 PM

#15886 RE: Kolorgen #15883

Good post Kolorgen!


04/22/17 6:32 PM

#15890 RE: Kolorgen #15883

INTK. As always, new tech takes a long time to get into 'mainstream'. Investors see $$$ and expect results instantaneously. The existing companies that provide 'traditional' products fight strenuously to ward off new tech that threatens their comfort zone.

Just look at the cell tech. Society will benefit enormously from what cell tech offers for better health, longevity and standard of living. Yet, they struggle to get off the ground. So much opposition.

So is the case with nano tech. Future bodes well for this in the world of industrial advancement. Yet it too struggles to get off the ground. So much opposition!

The future lies with cell and nano tech. Companies that struggle now even though they are cutting edge in their field, will persevere and rise to the forefront.

Longs that have faith and loyalty based on solid DD will benefit enormously.

Personally, I believe INTK falls into that category.