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04/20/17 9:11 PM

#54136 RE: NoMoDo #54134

Thank you. I will check this out. Fundamentals here look solid if true. and like i said, there IS a number on the FDA RAT list. I saw it yesterday morning. I'll try to dig it up and post the link to it.

Dragon Lady

04/20/17 10:12 PM

#54145 RE: NoMoDo #54134

Quote LOL, "Since you are new here, i'd suggest finding the Hungry Hippo's posts from the stickys and watch the videos he referenced. You will learn who their Chief Science Officer is - Kristen Comilla. She has presented on TED Talks and that video alone will hook you. She also played a major role in pushing the RMAT designation through US Congress. You will also see what they do and how they do it. It is some pretty amazing stuff. "

AND, I'd also suggest for good "DUE DILIGENCE" that one read these court filed documents too, GREAT stuff in um IMO. Tells a fine story of how "she" operates, according to the court filed testimony.

THIS ONE, THE AMENDED COMPLAINT, IS THE REAL "PEACH" for me personally, better than a damn soap opera mixed with a bad crime drama if you ask me:

THEN, to get the real "groove" on what they do, I'd read what the NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE HAD TO SAY along with a personal editorial written by the Dean of Harvard Medical school, it's pretty scathing, but concise and to the point. You know, to get a "FAIR AND BALANCED" picture IMO.

Speaking of "pictures", check out this India based "clinic/hospital" which is where Comella's partner/co-author on a low grade "open source published" ole supposed "research paper" did some of Bioheart/USRM's cash-for-treatment supposed "clinical trial" work. Look it up, the Indian "doctor owner" of the slum-dog-clinic is a co-sponsor of work with Comella. BRILLIANT, eh? I wouldn't send my dog to that hell hole for so much as a grooming and nail clip job. But hey, to each their own, eh?

AND THERE IT IS, the "REVITA LIFE SCIENCES" ole ANUPAM "hospital" (2nd floor, next to a cash dispenser and bar/hotel or something like that, LOL !) run by ole Dr H Bansal, a co-partner who did PAY-TO-TREAT "trials" (CASH OF COURSE) along with Comella. NICE, eh?

GREAT new article/video on USRM BLINDING PATIENTS in a local major FL news outlet:

April 2017 article, fresh and new.

JUST STUNNING allegations and facts revealed by that local, Florida based investigative journalism team.

Wonder if the revenues have declined at the ole clinic since this news busted open and went literally WORLD WIDE????

About the hack job that took place at the USRM little "stem cell clinic" they peddled as "THEIR CLINIC" but in SEC filings then state they only own 33% of it, and which FL secretary of state docs show was organized by good ole Kristin Comella.

How far did the NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE "news" spread - well, sure looks WORLD WIDE TO ME? Gotta believe the FDA knows all about this, when they're reviewing any ole RAT "data" or whatever, LOL ! I mean how the hell could the FDA not know about this medical damn fiasco, which even involved falsely pointing patients to the "" database, according to the published expert testimonial allegations, let alone non M.D.'s being introduced as "YOUR DOCTOR", LOL !! Yeah, and the ole FDA is gonna hand over the keys to the jet and let these dudes do more human experimentation? Personally, I doubt it IMO.

BUT, it freaking gets even better than THAT SCATHING FLORIDA written article linked above:

Read what the Dean of freaking HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL personally penned in an editorial about what the ole "clinic" is doing to folks, and the subsequent "news" heard round the world when probably the most prestigious and oldest medical journal in existence, THEE NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE wrote about this cluster F they did during their NON FDA APPROVED ole "treatments":

"Gross violation of professional and possibly legal standards"

Those words were penned by (and he's writing about USRM):

Dr. George Daley, dean of Harvard Medical School


"In an editorial accompanying the journal report, stem cell expert Dr. George Daley, dean of Harvard Medical School, called the clinic's treatment careless.

"This report joins a small but growing medical literature highlighting the risks of such wanton misapplication of cellular therapy," he wrote. Providing such treatments for profit outside a proper research setting "is a gross violation of professional and possibly legal standards," he said."

THAT is the DEAN of the HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, in his own words, talking about U.S. Stem Cell Clinic, LLC and how they blinded THREE WOMAN (three at least that are known at this point)

When the damn DEAN of perhaps the most prestigious medical school on PLANET EARTH takes time to write an editorial, to accompany a paper that reached publication in the NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE, well, you got some problems at your "biz" IMO.

Don't "think" the damn FDA listens to the DEAN of the Harvard Med School? That is one tight fraternity of folks there, and they influence Washington D.C. in a big ole way, in every aspect. The pinnacle of the IVY LEAGUE and their graduates hold seats often, on every key committee and chairmanship and position of power in every circle of influence that matters.

The damn DEAN of the Harvard Med School singled out USRM and U.S. Stem Cell Clinic and published about it, in his own writing, on his own dime and time. WOWZA.

NEJM "new" Article how USRM BLINDED WOMEN:

Is it NOT "old" news. It was published in one of the world's most prestigious and oldest and most credible medical journals, DATED MARCH 16th, 2017, which makes it RECENT NEWS to me. It's almost impossible to get published in the NEJM; it can easily take 6 months from a paper being submitted, to then extreme vetting and peer review, to even "hoping" to being assigned a publication date in such a world class medical journal. FEW doctors/researchers ever get their papers or writing accepted for publication in the NEJM. It's the stratosphere of medical publication.

THE FACT, FACT, FACT that the New England Journal editors and peer review committee accepted it for publication, makes it an extremely important piece of medical literature, just on the merits and credibility of the NEJM alone. THUS, the reason the article/medical paper is receiving WORLD WIDE PRESS COVERAGE.

Lets do a little update to see how far and wide the press coverage is as of today, as it's still continuing, still moving across the globe, about the BUTCHER JOB done at a "Florida stem cell clinic". The author's themselves, world recognized medical experts and the NEJM itself use words like "horribly botched" and "bad beyond measure" what was done to these three, grossly misled woman, who have now had their lives ruined for all intents and purposes according to the expert and world class MD's interviewed and cited in the NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE (In addition to such experts as Harvard, Stanford MD's and PhD scientists among many experts contacted and asked for commentary in several of the subsequent articles cited/linked below).


Because of the extreme prestige and incredible reputation and credibility of the NEJM, that RECENTLY PUBLISHED MEDICAL ARTICLE/paper, it just got spread literally WORLD WIDE via being picked up by every major and credible NEWS SOURCE ON PLANET EARTH, just to name a few: DRUDGE REPORT, NY Times, Wall Street Journal, CNN, NPR, NBC, ABC, Washington Post, AP news wire services, Reuters, several of the UK major papers, as far south as New Zealand, and then India, Singapore news (hello Southeast Asia/Asia Pacific last time I navigated those airways), Africa (oh gee, ANOTHER continent), Japan (uh oh, major, major world power, big time newspapers and TV news, that covers East Asia, getting real close to China) plastered all over Canadian press, looks like probably EVERY major "Florida" news source ran with it and still going, the N. America papers look like they covered every major outlet from Alaska to the Eastern seaboard and everything in between including powerhouses like Chicago, many stories only being hours old as of this AM (Magazines now picking it up too; just made Men's Magazine, which happens to land in just about EVERY DOCTOR'S OFFICE I've ever had the pleasure of parking my butt in their waiting room lobby, in the past 5 years or so), and it's still propagating rapidly across the "news wires" even this AM as I just checked my aggregator to see what's "hot", and it's smoking hot, like Disco Inferno on fire hot:

Looks WORLD WIDE TO ME....and still going (wonder how their little clinic biz thingy is gonna survive this mess? Anyone looking up their name to research um, is gonna find these stories/links for YEARS to come IMO, as they're in the who's who of major publications/press now)

SEE THAT DATE ON THE NEJM "recent" published MEDICAL ARTICLE. It's dated MARCH 16th, 2017, which to me, MAKES IT "NEW" NEWS. NOT "old" as is falsely being claimed. It can take a long, long wait to get published and get a publication date in the NEJM. Who knows how long ago that excellent paper was submitted for review and publication?

LOOK AT THAT, freaking CIRM, the California major stem cell group/govt agency ran the story. DAMN, that can't be good for ole USRM, especially if they're now trying to pitch the FDA for some supposed "approval" for gawd knows what?

NEWS is all over Canada's science and stem cell community, big time.

TIME MAGAZINE. Millions are gonna read about this...uh oh?????

UK, aka Europe.

JAPAN, that makes East Asia, almost China.

Down South to New Zealand, meaning the Aussies probably know by now too.

.ke domain, that's Kenya, hello African continent.

Oh, there's .au domain, Australia covered.

“About TODAY
Singapore’s second most-read newspaper, TODAY offers quality content in a convenient, compact format. The free newspaper offers readers an unrivalled package of the top local and international news reports, as well as insightful, thought-provoking commentary and analysis.

Singapore, so that's SouthEast Asia/Asia Pacific region. BAMMO, spreading like WILDFIRE (NO, not the 70's song by Michael Martin Murphy)

AFRICA again, how many continents does that make now? I need to count?

Israel, means it's hitting the "Middle East" news, looks like to me?

Men's Health, it's hitting the magazine world now too then. I see LOTS of that mag in doctor's office waiting rooms.

Stanford, that's a power-hitter in the academia circles. Big league academia, like world class.

THAT is a butt load of free "coverage" for a pretty much no name, nothing lil medical "clinic" in ole Florida and their PENNY STOCK "PARENT" COMPANY ole "33% owner of said clinic" per SEC filings...seems to me. Like the FDA won't see this, along with every prospective customer or medical researcher and anyone else of importance in the "Stem cell world", LOL???

Gawd, it's got more coverage than freaking Beyonce and Justin Bieb combined if you ask me, LOL !! And it ain't the "good" kind of coverage if you ask me for my lousy THREE CENTS worth....gawd what a freakin mess.

NOTHING LIKE BLOWING-OUT THE EYE BALLS OF SOME INNOCENT OLD LADIES to get a "winning" and stellar reputation as a "medical research" and supposed "legit clinical trials" and now "medical treatment" company, LOL !! Only thing worse I can personally think of, would be like harming some kid's little puppy dog or something. I mean, most of the world I'm familiar with, don't like to see people mis-leading old ladies and then literally BLOWING OUT THEIR EYES, wrecking what was left of their lives! NOT GOOD if you ask me, noper.


04/20/17 10:30 PM

#54158 RE: NoMoDo #54134

Another Smart Post...Thanks for ALL the DD! ;)