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04/18/17 1:45 PM

#9685 RE: notanoption #9679


what the fins tell us is:

1) they don't have a bank account and no money at all (not one cent) actually passed through the company last year.

2) whatever inventory they had has been written off completely

3) whatever revenue they are claiming is not being recognized as AR or it likely doesn't exist

4) they have about $2 million in convertible debt and no meaningful assets

Other than's all hunky dory. ;-)


04/18/17 2:21 PM

#9686 RE: notanoption #9679

Yes and that 100 thousand was for the sale of an on hand inventory of empty plastic bottles. Besides that Alkame isnt exactly coming to the table with any promising either. This whole conglomerate of tickers USMJ,ALKM,ALYI,MLCG and PURA is nothing but a share selling scam.