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04/18/17 1:59 AM

#403885 RE: Sogo #403880

call me a conspiracy theorist, but with sweeneys help, I suspect the plan is to stall/delay until 2018, then when the companies are broke(net zero), it'll be a legitimate justification for placing the gse's into receivership. By then Corker, the bankers and their merry band of minions will have a plan to replace the gse's. Shareholders have very, very little chance of reward as time goes on.

So far, their plan is working.


04/18/17 5:18 AM

#403892 RE: Sogo #403880

Unfortunately, I feel the same way - which is not very popular on this board. When I read in detail the various filings by Ps and Ds, I see many, many ways the Ds can either win outright or delay this forever. Unless there is a smoking gun in the discovery docs, it may be years, if ever, before we would see any justice. Yes, a miracle could happen, but that's a worse investment strategy than hope! I will hold my 50k pre-cship shares until the fat lady sings. glta