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04/17/17 8:26 PM

#5373 RE: Alan Brochstein #5372

Any thought on all the recent trtc insider sales? Officers are cashing out all common shares. At what point would we know if the b shares will get converted and split evenly with common shares?

dude iligence

04/25/17 10:01 AM

#5374 RE: Alan Brochstein #5372

Most likely because Biotrac is a sinking ship now that Steven is gone. The guys in charge are more interested in taking vacations than working. Mark my word Biotrac will start to lose states to competition


04/30/17 10:02 AM

#5375 RE: Alan Brochstein #5372

Alan what are you hearing on this.


05/25/17 2:21 PM

#5378 RE: Alan Brochstein #5372

Alen I'm not gone from BioTrackTHC
