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04/17/17 1:30 PM

#220297 RE: tatoo1 #220294

No problem Tatoo1. Here's is Ameritrade's newest response from 2 days ago:

"I have received word from our Corporate Actions team that FFGO was on the list for removals of non-marketable due to having no current bid/ask or any trading volume. They have spoken with the DTC and if there is any litigation that includes a payment or restitution for shareholders then the position will be reinstated in your account for that time. Until then, it will not show in your account.

If you need trade confirmations for your case, you can always go to My Account>History & Statements>Trade Confirmations and search back to find your purchase confirmation and print for your records. This is a good habit to get into as we only hold on to records for 10 years. Also, I still have not received an answer for why we do not commonly give notification for this type of cleanup.

I hope this information is helpful, because we truly appreciate your business. If there's anything else we can help you with, please reply to this message.

Thank you,"