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04/16/17 5:26 PM

#4461 RE: shermann7 #4460

shermann7 on 'Ron and Rand Paul - The rEVOLution Continues - thank you;
Did your mother always said; that
if women ruled the world -

it would be destroyed.?- ? -..

have Germany been destroyed by ex.
hitler/rothschild daughter merkel
- ? -

should ex.
angela merkel go to the muslim countries and stay away

from all Western Societies - ? -

or be banned by Western peoples countries - ? -

should Western Societies people vote on it - ? -
and that should be the new kind of
politic - ? -


Women are inviting their own destruction.? ??? - 666 - ??? -

are they nwo 666 destruction of all Western Societies - ? -

traitors who should go to muslim countries
- ? -
ex. angela merkel and all her friends and lovers - ? -

David DeNardo3 months ago (edited)
I don't think all hope is lost.
This is also the first time in history people are aware of this
phenomenon, the first time there's been a non-rigged democracy.
Trump and Brexit proves that the west still has a shot if this new
trajectory continues of straight uncucked men taking back their
institutions though voting and internet memes.
It will take a long time to - ??? = ? -

Or should ex.
the Rothschilds with the 666 nwo banksters etc.
be banned from Western Societies and
stay away to their muslim countries they plundered/bought by wars etc. - ? -