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04/12/17 3:09 PM

#298952 RE: fourkids_9pets #298950

Ahh, I see said the blind man! So the inept, proven scam artist that created this stock selling scam and was barred in 2 countries and who has stolen his children's trust fund shares to give to promoters had nothing to do with it's demise? The fact that the current CEO collects all assets and picks the bones of its carcass when there are no rubes left to fall for this scam? The fact that all CEO's spent 80 million $ of shareholder money which was squandered without a dime to show for it? The fact that hundreds of victims that fell for this scam are out thousands of $, never to be recouped.

But the scam is non-retails. I assume that means Commercial or Enterprise's? I really do not think anyone gives a rats ass about this stinky pinky penny fraud except for the perpetrators and their promoters who have sucked all the money out to date.

Looking forward to the Walk of Shame when all perpetrators are unmasked in criminal court. Starting with those who continually promote this scam as an honest business. I also have a bridge to sell... we all know how that turns out!


the scam is NON RETAILs