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04/12/17 6:20 AM

#250586 RE: jour_trader #250585

Eli 216 - Elite's once daily AD Oxy was said to have a potential of 800 million. That was a number of years ago though. More competition these days.

SequestOx would potentially increase Elite's entire revenue stream by 10 fold on one drug in one to two year. Not a guarantee by any stretch but Nasrat has stated he only needs a small percentage of the IR market to make a big dent in Elite's bottom line.


04/12/17 7:27 AM

#250587 RE: jour_trader #250585

Thats one way to look at it

One surprising note is that Nasrat stated SequestOx has 400M potential in sales.

Add to that the weak licensing deal Elite agreed to with Epic.

Check out the terms....

the upfront fees & milestone payments are small potatoes

worse yet is Elites royalty share. The terms of the contract are childlike on Elites behalf. No restrictions on expenses/cost in almost any category. Reads more like the old movie deals investors used to get smoked in even with wild success of the movie

It actually reads as if Elites major objective was short sighted to secure chump change licensing/milestone fees over what real potential Sequest might have in the market. Should make shareholders really wonder what the real expectations of Sequest are and if Elite ever thought the chances of approval were real

Basically, if everything went exactly as hoped for with Sequest, it wouldnt amount to very much for Elite even if Sequest was marketed with moderate success.


04/12/17 8:38 AM

#250609 RE: jour_trader #250585

Interesting. Where did you say you read that at?


04/12/17 8:46 AM

#250614 RE: jour_trader #250585

The main thing to focus on as a savvy OTC trader is "Nasrat stated"

No one will every get rich plowing BS!!!