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04/11/17 10:27 PM

#95398 RE: canin1 #95388


Good evening board! I think we can agree that the past few days have been pretty informative across the board. We have confirmed so much great information not only about NWAV, but the legal environment in which it is taking a firm root. I am obviously one of the longs. I’m clearly biased towards seeing this company as something amazing that will help potentially millions of people in the years to come as well as a possibly unprecedented opportunity for investors. Because I believe, I am one of the few that has visited each location to find out my own truth. The PR that was released early today confirmed much of the research that we have worked so hard to uncover. I believe it is safe to say that the days of wondering if this is a scam are officially over. It’s ok to admit it, who hasn’t seen The Wolf of Wall Street?

We are growing up as a company and I believe we need to grow up as a community. There is such a wealth of information available on this company but much of it is lost within the pages of the board hidden under lines of, euphemistically, less valuable information. So much so that it is difficult for new investors to find any of it.

We are the Bulls. Bears kill us by isolating us from the heard. Specifically by isolating or diverting information. What I propose is that we work together to complete a comprehensive DD and structure it in the form of a FAQ followed by a reference section. Together we have SO MUCH information collected, I am fully confident that we can compile this information in a cohesive package that will more easily allow new investors to come to their own conclusions.

This will take days if not into next week depending on the participation I receive, however I know I can count on some of you to help me out here. In case anyone is concerned, I will obviously be crediting contributors. Please understand, some of us longs are not day traders, many only show up every few day or less. It may take some time to get everyone onboard, so this I intend for this to be an ongoing project.

Anyone interested, send me a PM so we can begin this project. If you have documents you wish to share, please post them to the board. I would request that we minimize the commentary on them and simply label them so that they can be more easily cataloged. This will also serve to increase credibility as we are not advertising, we are informing. The days of begging people to look at PAO are over. They will do that on their own now. It is up to us to make sure they have accurate information at their disposal.

Mods, if I might be so bold to ask for your sticky in developing this project? Thank you all for listening.

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04/11/17 10:32 PM

#95399 RE: canin1 #95388

Never was finalized at all.