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08/31/06 9:41 PM

#19166 RE: zmzmzm #19148

WTC building 7 was probably supposed to be hit by an airliner on 9/11 like the towers were. Something "went wrong" and no airliner hit WTC7. They had WTC7 rigged with explosives to go down like the down it went!

How odd though that a building(WTC7) with just minor fires on a few floors falls in a total freefall collapse in 7 seconds??

If no one thinks that is suspicious they are brain dead!!!

The American people better wake up and see what is being done to them.

What makes this country so great in your opinion???(everyone ask yourself)

I think it is the Bill of Rights which allows us to live in freedom without government tyranny. Look at how they are attacking the Bill of Rights with this subversively named "Patriot Act". It should be called the Fascist Nazi Act!!

Wake up America!! Something has gone very wrong....

be afraid ,be very afraid.