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04/07/17 12:55 PM

#402154 RE: Red Captain #402151

His prev carpetbagger mortgage performance wouldn't

get my vote as Helping the TWINS recap soon ....

car·pet·bag·ger ... noun - derogatory

-- a person perceived as an unscrupulous opportunist.
"the organization is rife with carpetbaggers"


04/07/17 12:56 PM

#402155 RE: Red Captain #402151

Yah, you can see it both ways. He has been meeting with both sides of the Aisles and trying to come up with a solution atleast. I look at him like a notorious Hacker being hired by a Security firm to prevent future hackers. He was sued by FHFA too. I believe he will be an asset on the regulation part of it.


04/07/17 1:07 PM

#402159 RE: Red Captain #402151

Interesting as that would mean he would appreciate the service that the GSEs where able to preform for the banks and our economy. Makes the GSEs value rise as many don't have that perspective and think the GSEs are the problem and not the salvation. As for Gorsuch, if he is a fair man and a follower of law and the constitution then if it comes to pass that these cases goes before the supreme court or any opinions of law then , yes it is a positive and a bump for the GSEs.