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04/07/17 2:51 PM

#5131 RE: JD400 #5128

JD400 thank you, Just Stuff - BEWARE: 58 CALIFORNIA OROVILLE DAMS ABOUT TO COLLAPSE First Oroville Now Morgan Hill -
news call -

mick it is serious dare TRUE -

Please, join My prayer to TRUMP 888 -

ask for repairs to dams -

Ex.... BEWARE: 15,000 dams in US classified as 'high hazard'
by Army Corps of Engineers -

BEWARE: BS Obama/Osama for 8 years Did NO REPAIRS - Fedekal Inspectors said DAM Needed Urgent Repairs -
Worsening Oroville Dam Crisis Will It Become the Worst Disaster in US 666 man made -

History - April 4, 2017
Oroville Dam LIVE NEWS -

Who plundered the money and did NOT repair ? -

Rothschild's NWO 666 BS Osama/Obama made muslims invasion of America and EURO -

Long-Over due time to get $500 trillion back to HIS People rightfully so from 666 evils!

- -
- Love You -
- God Bless -
- Amen -