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04/23/17 5:50 PM

#168968 RE: Digdough #168967


First, Roofie and Anissa are dead broke. No offshore accounts. The SEC stopped his nominee stock sales before they could be executed. So they are flat busted, which is why Roofie had no lawyer for his criminal case - he couldn't afford any and he thought he could do better than the public defender.

Second, Roofie is in Federal prison in Oklahoma City until 2031. He fled his trial and was found by the US Marshal office hiding in a broom closet in a friend's house in Utah. They dragged his ass back to the trial and the judge gave him a vacation to the Grey Bar Hotel until 2031, when he'll be 64 years old. There is no parole in the Federal system - the 2031 date is the date with the allowable 15 percent 'good time' already taken off. So Roofie will be in prison, or dead, through at least 2031.

Third, Anissa and the kids moved to Oklahoma City where she does whatever she has to to make munny to keep things going - literally whatever she has to do - gott that?

So the SEC stopped you from dumping your worthless shares in Roofie's bullshit fable about non-existent bonds to some other poor sucker. That's what happens when you buy pennyscams. Often you'll gett stuck holding DaBag.

You can write to Roofie - he likes photos of cold beers, burgers, steaks, and things he can't gett in prison. Tell him how good that cold beer tasted on a hot day. He'll appreciate that.

RUFUS PAUL HARRIS Register Number: 61490-019
FTC Oklahoma City
P.O. BOX 898801