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04/05/17 9:39 AM

#45160 RE: Alinea818 #45152

'Alinea818' Actually the REAL R/S breakdown is that Current shareholders will lose everything!

All these Pinksheets that performs these R/S has resulted in little to NO benefits to shareholders!

Technically it's a "due-Processed" rip-off scheme!

1/ All the R/S does, typically, is displaces the decimal point above the floor, making room to dilute back down to it!
example; if the pre-Split PPS is .0004 on an RS of 1:500, the Post-Split = .2/share! (20 cents a share)

Sound and looks good, right? -----WRONG!
At least not good for the shareholders!
Because your pre-split shares are reduced by the post-spit amount!
example; 1,000,000 shares on a 1:500 R/S becomes just 2000 shares!

If you were to sell 2000 shares @ .2/share = $400

Which maintains the overall ratio of 1'mil shares @ .0004 = $400 (Pre-Split)

As you can see, only the ratio/decimal changed but the "market value" of your position remains the same!

Well, not quite for those having accounts with brokers that charges a "Re-org fee" for processing the split.

So you also lose money for every R/S that takes on a stock you own.

But here's the fun part!
Typically, the PPS tanks following every R/S done by a pinksheet company!

The $400 seed money you started out with remains constant.
But you DO lose parentages of ownership of "YOUR" $400 investment with every down tick as the insiders GAINS ownership of "YOUR" investment per down tick!

Therefore the lost of all of your $400 investment only means the insiders have pocketed it!

Which is typically what happens following every R/S done by pinksheets!

Because the PPS Post-split ends up tanked/diluted back down to its pre-split prices!

All while your remaining 2000 post-split shares are valued at just 80 cents!

Concluding the math;
Your initial $400 interment - (Brokerage R/S fee) - (.80 post R/S) =
[399.2 - (broker Fee)] = your total loss!

You are totally "in the negative"

The only winners are the Insiders ($399.2 you lost) and Brokers(Fees you paid)!

This is why an R/S done in the pinks are likely never a win for shareholders, while virtually free monies for the insiders!
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04/05/17 10:54 AM

#45167 RE: Alinea818 #45152

So reverse split still happening?