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08/08/03 8:45 AM

#20985 RE: teecee #20984

teecee fwiw i am on your side in this one. you and i have had some spirited discourse in the past but generally i find your post informative, concise, and on target. you have a flavorful way of expressing yourself that is true. i suppose in the past you have written some vulgarities in response to once's constant needling and lies. you have a very competive spirit as do i and i understand your frustration all to well with this 'once' character. for the life of me i do not understand why matt and the boys here at ihub can't see through the smoke screen. i realized along time ago that going into combat with the likes of 'once' is just a plain waste of time and mine is precious. ignore does work. but i am at a loss for what to do about the problem of newbies who show up and read all of once's lies and then there is no one to offer a counter vailing opinion. when we moved here from the bull i thought this forum was great. superior enough to encourage me to become a life memeber. i am now qustioning that decision. good luck
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08/08/03 2:25 PM

#21170 RE: teecee #20984

It's real simple teecee. Talk to your mother like that and see what she thinks. In the meantime care to explain P/E to us.
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08/09/03 1:33 PM

#21243 RE: teecee #20984

teecee, here you go. Your deleted posts that have resulted in your latest suspension.

As for the IDCC board, folks, I know you like TeeCee, but if JimLur was saying this stuff, I'd suspend him too. He doesn't though. He has respect for the rules. I'm not picking on TC. If he'd keep this crap off the site, I wouldn't care. Further, now that I think about it, I've gotten numerous complaints about TC sending vulgar, nasty, and threatning messages to members via the private message system.

I know that you all like this guy. I've already said he's intelligent and has a lot to offer. BUT until he tells me (and actually does it) that he isn't going to put this trash on my boards, he will remain here. I'm sick of having to delete his posts, tolerate his bully attitude, and hear about complaints of him sending bulldog messages to people privately.

Oh, and just because you bought a premium membership doesn't entitle you to break the rules. If you break the rules, you land here and are on 3post/day restriction.

Guys, I'm not backing down on this one, even if the whole board threatens to leave. I'm not compromising the rules of the site just because some people like him. It's just not right.

And again, it's up to teecee as to when he gets out. He put himself in here, he lets himself out.


put your hanky back in your pocket...your mental masturbation moment is over...humankind ducks a few more bullets

broken w/ all due respect and friendship if you take the top ten guys at idc...they probably average a personal wealth ratio of 80% idc vs other financial well as having their income source tied up in idc's fortunes...i hate to tell you this. if you just got knocked up last week ...theyre 10 months pregnant...i never worry about them not protecting 95% of their future

corp...repeat this to yourself...105b-1...lets just say im harry....and im a rational guy....i authorize howard to open his fly and show the world what we're made i can dump a whopping 5% of my holdings the day of the ASM...why do i do such a thing...because i feel that at 67 years of age ive done everything im gonna do in life...and since i have this really short doo...i think ill try prison for awhile...cmon man think...the nasty curveballer out of the bullpen is king jorma...i demand a 20% margin... ill show you how to do business..that nasty guy from pittsadelphia opened his fly and showed me a tatoo that said 300myn on one side...and lets make a 3g deal on the other w/ his penis...there .5% off the

bobby...i agree...we backed off of ericsonn...settled for a reasonable sum....and a reasonable rate...and this is what we get....i dont know about harry....but im full of piss and far as im concerned....the buck stops right fucking here

in the immortal words of the schoolyard.....MAKE rat

your trying too hard for a guy w/ no stake.....your a rat...always have been ...always will be....take your self important shtick to a stock where you have a position

you cant even match wits w/ my 14 year old son when it comes to knowledge of wall street....much less are reckless, ill informed,impatient and generally lacking in most areas of knowledge that it takes to be a long term successfull investor

if there is anybody thats clueless ....its you!!

your 100% percent invested in a company whose mgmt you hate?....get a head check you unbelievably greedy bastard usual you miss the subtlety of kens brilliance...ive been trying to tell you...idc wants YOU to sell your shares in disgust...the institutions have been accumulating big time....they have been aided in a great way by the insider sales over the past year...what better way to rid yourself of schmucks like you...than to continually hold up a finger to you and say...cmon baby SELL

loop......what if we actually had a bonafide strategy that was implemented in 1999...stranger things have happened...of course nokia plays does everybody else...thats business...we're trying to do something that has only been done sporadically in the past...we made a bunch of mistakes in 2g...we are deep into the salvage gonna defer to the other tc on this one [he's proved that he's smarter than me on matters regarding idc]...nok /sam third quarter...or else the balls on the chopping block are in a jar on espy's mantle by christmas

we havent begun to squeeze your balls off the time this is over....youll be wishing for someone to kick you in the nuts to ease your pain

There are 85 deleted posts. It's a wonder I haven't terminated your account yet. Luckily, I still have a belief that you have something to offer. I know you do. I'm trying to let you be part of the group, but you won't if you continue this line of commentary.