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04/04/17 7:23 AM

#729 RE: mikeonmicrocaps #728

I like your Gordon Lightfoot quote better ;)

I will give you one and leave it at that although the list could go on.

TLGT. I have owned it for years, and bought it when it was originally IGI. I paid under $1 and over the years it climbed to $12 and now hovers around $8. Still growing, and I still am buying shares. During all those years they never once posted a profit.

Again, I could go on and on especially in the bio-tech and commodity based equities.

So my statement stands and can be proven 100 times over if not more.

You don't have to agree on PBIO, but I believe in the product and the management team. Some investments I win, some I lose. This one is already a winner for me so I'll let my house shares ride for years if need be.