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04/03/17 9:05 AM

#249046 RE: jour_trader #249018

I asked for but do not see a timeline for SequestOx being delayed for 18 months. Are there no clearly defined specifics to support such a position that would contradict my argument?

Further, your post also presumes I am making assumptions and in so doing makes its own set of assumptions that discount my experience that informs my opinion. Allow me to offer that which came born of many years with a Fortune 40 firm...

When completing strategic planning there are a number of assumptions that businesses have to make, but these are not completely linear as they relate to their expectations for the future. Rather, what businesses do, and Elite has done, is view the future as a set of different scenarios against which the assumptions vary but certain facts remain constant. For example, an informed range of scenarios would include, among other things, a set of assumptions related to the approval of SequestOx, a delay in approval, and a second CRL by the FDA. That this effort is not obvious is a matter of strategy. No company will come out and say exactly what its future looks like and what all its assumptions are or the various scenarios it envisions. While these can be inferred, it takes experience in knowing what to look for to ferret them out. The biggest failure of investors is viewing a future believed to be a single set of assumptions with a single, linear path. This misunderstands the situation, the opportunity, and the company's capabilities, including its management.