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04/03/17 6:03 AM

#38681 RE: Rudeboy415 #38680

The Rontan Group filed a request for judicial recovery at the 3rd Civil Court in Tatuí. The requisition was filed at the end of February and, if implemented, will reach the companies Rontan Electrometallurgical and Rontan Telecom Comércio de Telecomunicações.

Judicial reorganization is a "distress call" whereby companies in financial difficulties seek to renegotiate debts with creditors.

Should Judge Lígia Cristina Berardi Possas accept the request from the Rontan Group, the two companies will have a deadline to set up a recovery plan and will have their debt executions frozen.

In a decision handed down on February 24, the judge of the 3rd Civil Court set a deadline of 15 days for companies to present the reasons for the current financial situation, with accounting statements for the last three years, cash flow report and balance sheet.

It will also be incumbent upon the companies of the Rontan Group to provide complete lists of creditors with an updated value of debts, a full list of employees, the list of assets of the controlling and managing partners, bank statement of the companies, certificates of protest notices and list of lawsuits. Companies are parties.

After the delivery of the documentation, the request for judicial recovery will be reviewed by Justice. The judge responsible for the case will hear the creditors and appoint a trustee, person in charge of submitting a recovery plan within 60 days after the deferment.

The judicial recovery is an attempt by the Rontan Group controllers to get the company back on track.

The company, which ranks as one of the leading providers of state and federal government vehicle services, has been in crisis since 2015 and had production stalled in May last year.

Only the federal government, Rontan Eletrometalúrgica - the group's main company - owes R $ 151,595,163, according to PGFN (Attorney General of the National Treasury).

Of the total, according to the agency, R $ 948 thousand are in debts with the FGTS (Guarantee Fund for Time of Service), R $ 12 million with INSS (National Institute of Social Security) and R $ 138.5 million in taxes And taxes.

Rontan tops the list of debtor companies to the federal government in Tatuí. The amount owed by the company is almost triple the second place in the PGFN ranking. Another member of the business group, Rontan Telecom has a debt of R $ 657,519 in taxes, taxes and Social Security.

According to Sindmetal (Union of Metallurgists of Tatuí and Region), the company's debts with the Union, states and municipalities can exceed R $ 300 million.

For the president of the entity, Ronaldo José da Mota, the request for judicial recovery is an attempt by the company's controllers to "delay auctioning of assets." The company's headquarters would enter the public auction, property valued at almost R $ 50 million.

The auction is scheduled for April 11. The money would be used to pay labor liabilities, which, according to Sindmetal, is close to R $ 40 million.

"It's a farce (this request). They have the auction scheduled and they want to cancel all the debts they have. How will the judge give the recovery to a company that has been standing since May? This is all to cancel the auction, "reiterated Mota.

The trade unionist informs that the company notified, by telegram, part of the employees who still had the signed contract. For Mota, the termination does not have validity for homologation purposes.

"The employees are left with nothing. Anyone who has achieved something is because he applied for indirect termination and was able to withdraw the unemployment insurance and the FGTS, but this aid ends in a few months and then have no further protection, "he commented.

According to the trade unionist, the company still has 200 employees with a formal contract. The number is far from the 1,250 employees who worked for the group in 2012.

Bankruptcy lawsuit

Fibra bank filed for bankruptcy against Rontan Electrometallurgical. The lawsuit was filed at the 3rd Civil Court of Tatuí, which is responsible for the request for judicial recovery of the company.

According to the electronic system of the TJ-SP (Court of Justice) of São Paulo, the value of the action is more than R $ 5 million. The petition was filed in early February and is under review.

According to a process made available by the TJ-SP, the company will have until next week to respond to Fibra's petition or to pay the full amount of the debt.

According to the president of Sindmetal, banks Safra and Bradesco are expected to file bankruptcy petitions against the company. The last institution already has judicial attachment process of a residential property of one of the controllers of the company in the condominium Colina das Estrelas.

The report of O Progresso sought contact with the management of the company and with the controllers, however, was not met.
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04/03/17 7:59 AM

#38682 RE: Rudeboy415 #38680

While it's interesting to see what is going on with Rontan it only kinda solidifies that Rontan is a non factor for GDSI anymore. I at one time thought GDSI may have some legal recourse for breach of contract but at this point that even seems pretty far fetched.

Given Sullivans history of fraud and GDSI charged and convicted of fraud it would be hard for GDSI to even get up with a straight face and claim breach of contract :).

But as I have said before if GDSI survives it will come out with a new deal of some sort. Given GDSI financial situation and the SEC conviction it will be really hard for GDSI to convince anyone to join with them, and we know they do not have any money to buy any kind of business to incorporate in.

So again it is very likely to be quite some time before GDSI can emerge out of this abyss.