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04/02/17 11:05 AM

#42832 RE: plutoniumimplosion #42830

2021 was my projection for things to happen by - I just am right on the Money!!! Since many here have been here since 2004, 2009, and 2012 - your quote about being gone in 3 years is interesting - maybe a bit bias? There are some short term holders on this board - but many have been here longer than yourself as a recent poster.

GLA my timeframe 2021 is intact..
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04/02/17 12:19 PM

#42835 RE: plutoniumimplosion #42830

O.K. Pluto your a large shareholder in favor of your shares being diluted to 2 or 3 cents per share. Sounds like funny business. Your against a shareholder vote on this. You must not believe the sales numbers or The lawsuit numbers.
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04/02/17 2:26 PM

#42841 RE: plutoniumimplosion #42830

" Besides, most single shareholders will be long, long, long gone in 36 months."

Isn't that the key to DECN's approach?

Actions now is predicated on an never ending supply of "investors" to peddle the stock to?

A new investor has a short memory. Or better memory.

Actions taken by DECN now can be "sold" as creating "a promising new future as long as we do the following right now,it may be painful in the short term,but in the end it'll reward"...

Like it has been over and over before.

Wash,rinse,dry'em out...repeat.

A year or three later,a whole new subset of shareholders have come on board as the originals fall off as they become demoralized over the performance,and simply "move on",as is often called for here.

"Fresh Blood"

"Fresh eyeballs"

That's more important than a Test Strip that works.
