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03/30/17 7:16 AM

#42462 RE: slam4202 #42457

Should we sticky this?
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03/30/17 7:26 AM

#42466 RE: slam4202 #42457

I agree your post is a MUST READ! Please would a mod. sticky this,current events,behind the real story of whats moving our stock thanks. USRM
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03/30/17 7:39 AM

#42474 RE: slam4202 #42457

This is badly researched.

Those guys are not institutional Investors. They were hired as consultants and paid in stock because the company is cash- strapped.
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03/30/17 7:43 AM

#42479 RE: slam4202 #42457

Awesome slam man! Weeee Love US some STEM CELLS, INC. :)
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03/30/17 8:00 AM

#42491 RE: slam4202 #42457

• Daniel James Management, Inc.

This is certainly a good reference ...
I pray to god for the rat permission ..
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Dragon Lady

03/30/17 9:59 AM

#42642 RE: slam4202 #42457

"US Stem Cell Inc (OTCMKTS:USRM) Keeps Rising, Here’s Why"

"...There is another very good factor that other retail investors may not be aware of right now. The company is being bought by institutional shareholders. These are sophisticated investors, who know very well when the shares of a company are ready to rise. It is always important for the small shareholders to monitor what are the big boys doing. In this case, right now they are buying, and they have been buying from the beginning of 2016. The following institutions own or owned a significant amount of shares in this company:
•Daniel James Management, Inc.
Didn’t we tell you that something was going on? We don’t really know whether they invested because they saw a change in the direction of the company or because of the financial figures of the firm, but either way, they’re sitting on big profits right now. In any case, we encourage you to read more information about U.S. Stem Cell Inc. in order to have your own opinion. "

LOL, a "MUST READ"??? It's a PAY TO PROMOTE PENNY SHAM SITE, and it's 100% TOTAL DIS-INFORMATION and 100% FALSE in all it's claims.

Those are TOXIC DEBT LENDERS TO THE DAMN COMPANY, NOT freaking "big boys" and "big institutional money" buying into the company, LOL !! Gawd, the pump-n-hype BS is getting worse and worse by the damn day.



VIS VIRES GROUP = TOXIC DEBT LENDER associated with the notorious Kramer Brothers of ASHER and KBM fame. Bioheart used to use ASHER, then the SEC sanctioned ASHER and they changed names to VIS VIRES and KBM among others, and had a different brother start running the toxic lending game all over again, as some of the original principal members got popped by the SEC.

Read those I-HUB boards about the damn "VIS VIRES" group and the Kramer brothers, LOL !!

TELLURIDE TOO LLC, is some "investment banking" whatever that CEO Miguel hired for supposed "MEZZANINE FINANCING" among other vast "PR" claims that NEVER HAPPENED LOL, but they got shoveled a butt load of cash and shares for "services rendered" (see the Northstar Biotech LLC formal court complaint about "consultants being paid out the butt" (paraphrasing) for gawd knows what). They operate as "Cassel & Salpeter" or whatever the name is/was? Never did jack crap in terms of "RAISING BIG MONEY" for Bioheart/USRM but got a big ole load of shares as "payment" for who knows what?

TOTAL FAKE "NEWS" from a crappy pay-to-promote penny BS site. The investor group or whatever the hell the name of that site is? Total fabricated DIS-INFORMATION hype as usual.

NO "institutional" supposed "BIG MONEY" investors are buying into USRM supposedly as that article falsely claims. Those toxic, convertible debt note holders get MEGA STEEP DISCOUNTS ON THEIR DILUTION SHARES, then turn around and DUMP UM ASAP into the market for massive profits. They ain't "investing" in anything to do with this company.


Just filed SEC 10-K, PAGE F-17:

"2016 Notes

During the year ended December 31, 2016, the Company entered into Securities Purchase Agreements with Daniel James Management (“Daniel”) for the sale of 9.5% convertible promissory note in aggregate principal amount of $75,000 (the “Daniel Notes”).

The Daniel Notes bear interest at the rate of 9.5% per annum. As of the year ended December 31, 2016, all interest and principal must be repaid one year from the issuance date, with the last note being due March 9, 2017. The Daniel Notes are convertible into common stock, at holder’s option, at a 47% discount to the average of the three lowest closing bid prices of the common stock during the 10 trading day period prior to conversion. The Company has identified the embedded derivatives related to the Daniel Notes. These embedded derivatives included certain conversion features and reset provision. (See Note 9)

The accounting treatment of derivative financial instruments requires that the Company record fair value of the derivatives as of the inception date of Daniel Notes and to fair value as of each subsequent reporting date which at December 31, 2016 was $9,436. At the inception of the Daniel Notes, the Company determined the aggregate fair value of $139,691 of the embedded derivatives.

During the year ended December 31, 2016, $75,000 of promissory notes plus accrued interest that were outstanding at December 31, 2015 and $67,060 of promissory notes plus interest issued in the current year were converted into shares of the Company’s common stock, respectively (See Note 10).

The remaining aggregate promissory notes to Daniel unconverted principle balance as of December 31, 2016 was $7,940. The remaining unamortized debt discount at December 31, 2016 was $1,483.

Fourth Man, LLC

2015 Notes

During the year ended December 31, 2015, the Company entered into Securities Purchase Agreements with Fourth Man, LLC. (“Fourth Man”) for the sale of a 9.5% convertible notes in the aggregate principal amount of $150,000 (the “Notes”).

The Notes bears interest at the rate of 8% to 9.5% per annum. As of the year ended December 31, 2015, all interest and principal must be repaid one year from the issuance date, with the last note being due December 2, 2016. The Notes are convertible into shares of common stock, at Fourth Man’s option, at a 47% discount to the lowest closing bid price of the common stock during the 10 trading day period prior to conversion. The Company has identified the embedded derivatives related to the Fourth Man Notes. These embedded derivatives included certain conversion features and reset provision. (See Note 9)

The accounting treatment of derivative financial instruments requires that the Company record fair value of the derivatives as of the inception date of Fourth Man Notes and to fair value as of each subsequent reporting date which at December 31, 2015 was $126,825. At the inception of the Fourth Man Notes, the Company determined the aggregate fair value of $356,225 of the embedded derivatives.

During the year ended December 31, 2015, $75,000 of notes plus accrued interest that were outstanding at December 31, 2014, and $72,550 of notes plus accrued interest that were issued during 2015, were converted into shares of the Company’s common stock (See Note 10).

The remaining aggregate Fourth Man, LLC Notes unconverted principle balance as of December 31, 2015 was $77,450.

2016 Notes

During the year ended December 31, 2016, the Company entered into Securities Purchase Agreements with Fourth Man, LLC (“Fourth Man”) for the sale of 9.5% convertible promissory note in aggregate principal amount of $100,000 (the “Fourth Man Notes”).

The Fourth Man Notes bear interest at the rate of 9.5% per annum. As of the year ended December 31, 2016, all interest and principal must be repaid one year from the issuance date, with the last note being due September 19, 2017. The Fourth Man Notes are convertible into common stock, at holder’s option, at a 49% discount to the average of the three lowest closing bid prices of the common stock during the 10 trading day period prior to conversion. The Company has identified the embedded derivatives related to the Fourth Man Notes. These embedded derivatives included certain conversion features and reset provision. (See Note 9)

The accounting treatment of derivative financial instruments requires that the Company record fair value of the derivatives as of the inception date of Fourth Man Notes and to fair value as of each subsequent reporting date which at December 31, 2016 was $151,236. At the inception of the Fourth Man Notes, the Company determined the aggregate fair value of $216,050 of the embedded derivatives.

During the year ended December 31, 2016, $77,450 of promissory notes plus accrued interest that were outstanding at December 31, 2015 were converted into shares of the Company’s common stock (see Note 10).

The remaining aggregate promissory notes to Fourth Man unconverted principle balance as of December 31, 2016 were $100,000. The remaining unamortized debt discount at December 31, 2016 is $53,503."

TOXIC LENDERS, NOT FREAKING "big boy" supposed "INSTITUTIONAL BUYERS", LOL !! They get 47% and freaking 49% DISCOUNTS ON THEIR DILUTION SHARES WHEN PAID, LOL !! They put the "T" in TOXIC LENDING, LOL !! And that BS "article" supposed "news" now being propagated here, "claims" they are "big boy institutional investors" supposedly "taking a stake in USRM cause it's such a stellar and up and coming company"?? LOL ! Gawd, what TOTAL BS.

LET THE HYPE CAMPAIGN and DIS-INFORMATION ROLL ON, why the hell not? And now one wonders why I'd want to know if the SEC is investigating this and can anyone provide any proof of that occurring? As big a sham pump as I've ever personally witnessed. Daily FAKE "NEWS" articles now being peddled off some PAY TO PROMOTE NOTHING PENNY HAWKING SITE, LOL !! ALL false, all total lies, ALL DIS-INFORMATION written to look like legit "news". Gawd...welcome to OTC-ville, the stinky pinks to the dirty tee, eh?
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03/31/17 1:51 PM

#44636 RE: slam4202 #42457

Nice support floor construction today
holding nice .11-.115
Next resistance points to break out Monday if possible .125 though optimism may hit that after lunch.

Then it should rise fairly quickly as it did early this week and next resistance will be .16-.17
as those buyers may be nervous after the downtrend and want to bail off the wild bucking horse.

Shes got legs - FDA approval she'll grow wings and light the afterburner to .50-1.00

Nice Friday and week as a whole IMO.