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03/30/17 5:30 PM

#81683 RE: Pennythief #81663

It's good to see health concerns about these products being aired as an alternative to the highly questionable benefits that are continually advertised and harped on about. With the public health at risk they need to be disclosed so that consumers aren't led blindly up the garden path by unscrupulous interests whose only real concern is gouging their dollars. Any apparent concern with health issues and healthy product is merely simulated as a pathway to getting rich at other people's expense. Some are quoting the names of obscure chemical compounds and substances they have only recently read of and they can hardly spell correctly let alone know anything about. Such pretensions are simply laughable.

There is much misinformation flying around about the healthful [sic] nature of Rocky Mountain High products that deserves to be countered with level-headed assessments.