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03/29/17 11:32 PM

#71311 RE: JustMyLuck #71309

"Tire pressure way too low on those semis full of product. Will cost extra gas. Net loss."

... is what they'll say next.




03/30/17 11:31 AM

#71334 RE: JustMyLuck #71309

Was wrong. It's imported hemp. Free, pay shipping.

While watching the videos of the Supersacks being prepped for shipping and being loaded on the truck, I was perplexed as to why Perlowin kept referring to the contents as 20 mesh hemp hurd, especially since HEMP hasn't processed any hemp.

So I went back to the March 11 posting of Schmitt speaking in front of the sacks and read the comments, where Perlowin clearly states that the pallets of greenish, stacked sacks shown at the start of the video are filled with imported, ground hemp:

When Bruce reposted that video on March 28, someone asked about getting some to test, and he responded that he would give them some for free if they paid the shipping, so I would suspect that Tiny Hemp Houses in Colorado received its 2000lb shipment under the same arrangement.

If this is indeed the case, then the shipment highlighted in yesterday's video didn't earn any revenue for HEMP, and in fact was an expense to the company. That expense would be the cost to buy and import what appears to be 6 tons of hemp core, then rebag it into the supersacks (so that the country of origin and manufacturer wouldn't be known to the buyer).

As to the manufacturer, based on the greenish color of bags and the 20-mesh size, I suspect that Perlowin bought it from Zhonglong Hemp & Kenaf Core Factory, based in northern China:

Here's the link to the company that "bought" the ground hemp core from Bruce, Tiny Hemp Houses, run by John Patterson. Is he the only employee?: