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03/29/17 7:53 PM

#45645 RE: elbiatcho1 #45643

Yep, from elsewhere, they believe it's part of the plan to be sued and to go 'gray' because maintaining a legit business just wouldn't do. FYI for the netherworlds - no such 'dilution triggers' exist in the OTCM or with hjoe. And NOT complying with court orders is NOT continuing a lawsuit.

"Thanks to coujoe I saw the PDF of the filing and amend my last post. Robert Young was simply informing HJOE that they have until April 14 to retain council. If they don't then judgement can go to KBM. Quite frankly, I'm not too sure HJOE cares if they get judgment or if they've got to pay the fee. They seem to be making plenty of bank from their two main products."

"I dont think anyone that has been around for awhile should be surprised they are continuing this suit. Besides being personal - it still has a very strong business case to seeing it through. They are still fiduciaries and charged with maintaining and increasing shareholder value. If they took the normal OTC route - they would have done multiple R/s and AS increases which would have eliminated all outside SHs. Insiders have anti dilution triggers protecring their holding. We do not."


03/30/17 9:20 AM

#45650 RE: elbiatcho1 #45643

Michael Stuart Pratter - #40277

Current Status: Disbarred

This member is prohibited from practicing law in California by order of the California Supreme Court.