Daisy..Lambasted?? At best..I was pointing out that you contacted companies..simply because of what you saw or didn't see on their websites..For your information companies..especially larger carriers..do the majority of their advertising through the media and through the billing process..Just because MV doesn't show up on a webpage doesn't mean it is not being promoted by other means..If you didn't know..a carrier web page login site is not needed to access your MV account..you only need a login link..which can be provided by the sales dept of the carrier.. IMO..You should have taken the call between the two heads of the companies and asked your hard questions..I am sure they can speak for themselves without Dean's help and you would have found out just what Plateau was or wasn't doing..All of your issues could have been resolved very quickly taking that approach..You say that you called the carriers because you didn't see what you thought you should see..I would think that Mexico and India would have been on the top of your list..since as you say Onev has mentioned them for years..You say you didn't call Mexico..Have you called India and if so what did you find out..Also..Have you heard from any of the carriers that the product doesn't work so they are going to cancel their contracts and be in default..Thank you for posting the DD on Eloqui..I am sure no one knew that was going on..Also thank you for posting all of what Dean said about it..It does paint a better picture than what you initially reported...veno