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04/19/17 12:08 PM

#41 RE: stocktrademan #40

Needs special FDA pass for
use in late-stage critical-ill patients to get some tractor.
Looking from daily vol that many retail investors are in wait-see-mode on this stock?

Looks like someone is getting $$s from March stock price peak and at $4.99 it does not look like its over.

Company has in reality done nothing except recent patent app
in PR area . . . and that's what will drive this early-stage biotech higher? No real support on charting and looking like going to $4-$.450 possibility. Just sit and wait if one believes in company and its tech.

Its already April . . . where is 2017 to be?

Why no USA Military backing on tech . . . Clock is ticking and China will . . . you know.