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03/26/17 10:35 AM

#118629 RE: Jerry70 #118628

I think he spends his days down by the ceeement pond somewhere on a Caribbean island.

Do you really think he gives two possum bellies about this company?

He's happy coasting in to retirement and seems to have done nothing in three years to improve the situation with this stinkpot.

LVGI.....any decade now.



03/26/17 4:48 PM

#118630 RE: Jerry70 #118628

Sorry Jerry but LVGI has brought no awareness it is company or products. They essentially put out no PRs, no marketing, and no free communications about the company. The only awareness this company has came from the shareholders. I'd love for that to change but a zebra cannot change its stripes and as long as JF runs the show he will continue to do what he has for the last 3 years(not much)