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03/26/17 1:15 AM

#267184 RE: hookrider #267182

Hook, in all fairness, both parties set out to defeat the president of the opposite party and limit their terms to four years only. It is the nature of the beast in our political system. I am getting ready for baseball right now. I can watch the Astros early and my Giants on the west coast later. It beats watching political talking heads any day. At my age, watching baseball with teeth cracking cold beer rates pretty high in my pursuit of happiness.



03/26/17 8:47 PM

#267221 RE: hookrider #267182

You are exactly right, and you defined the difference in simpler terms. Which is that opposition is not the same as obstruction. The LURians shut down the government and stopped everything that could have been seen to help anyone but the oligarchs, but the democrats would almost always stay united and try to get things done. The republicans control everything but so far have shown zero ability to govern, and they demonstrated all they have is rhetoric and no plan.

Of COURSE they want trump out of the white house, but the difference is, obstructing the governance of the USA is not how the dems try to achieve it.