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03/25/17 9:23 PM

#1082 RE: HMB2010 #1081

Holy crap. YOU could be UNMASKED. At least I assume you won't get caught with any Trump campaign folks. #notmypresident ;-)
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03/26/17 8:25 PM

#1092 RE: HMB2010 #1081

another innovation: 3/22/2017::

Mr.Freedom24 - we started the bot in Telegram

We launched our bot in Telegram - Mr.Freedom24. It allows you to instantly buy and sell shares on the exchange and has no analogues in Russia yet. Bot Mr.Freedom24 - a full platform for buying shares. Its intuitive service helps you to easily trade on exchanges, replenish your account and study stock charts. Also, the bot broadcasts news, analytics and daily reviews. In this case, Mr.Freedom24, unlike mobile applications, does not consume a large amount of traffic.

Purchase and sale of shares is available during the opening hours of exchanges: the Moscow Stock Exchange (10.00-18.45) - Russian shares and the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange (10.00-23.00) - American shares.

Dmitry Panchenko, founder of the Internet service, spoke about the bot: "Previously, for trading on the exchange, it was required to install complex and heavy trading programs. We continue to expand the line of services for beginners. Bot Mr.Freedom24 allows you to send orders for purchase and sale of shares directly from Telegram, and everyone will be able to cope with its interface. It turns out that you can put a set of necessary information for investments not only in a dozen tables, but also in a messenger message. And "scroll" directly in the Telegram information, according to our sensations, is also quite convenient. "

Bot constantly learns new commands. And you can ask him to "buy Zuckerberg", "buy Gref's empire" or simply write "Empire of Sechin".

To start trading in stocks, go to
Or find @ Freedom24_bot or @ Mr_Freedom24_bot in Telegram

info on Freedom24 the Russian site to buy stocks, even 1 share and can charge to CC as you put it in your shopping cart like on Amazon::

We spent about 25 million rubles to create and develop the project. The first version of our securities store appeared in 2013. The name shows the connection with the parent company and reflects the main advantage - the opportunity to buy shares in the 24/7 mode. We provide brokerage services and customer service. The income of the service is built at the expense of the brokerage commission.
Abroad, buying and owning shares is a common thing. On shares receive dividends, they are sold, when the price will rise, give, pass on the inheritance, etc. The Russians are aware of the possibility of buying securities, but while investing in shares in the country is not as popular as in the US. Several years ago, we, IC "Freedom Finance", decided to create a very simple service for investment, which would be available to people without special financial experience or education. So appeared - Internet service for the sale of stock.
The site looks like a regular online store: a client sees cards with shares of companies and buys favorite securities with the help of a bank card. Thus, buy shares are now a little more difficult than ordering a pizza. Of course, on the site you need to leave contact details for the preparation of the contract and register - this will require a passport and tax ID. The conclusion of the brokerage and depositary contracts is confirmed with the help of an SMS code. After that, the client becomes the owner of shares, which are stored on a special depositary account. Paper documents certified by a seal, we send to the client's mailing address.

and freedom 24 just case missed it previously::