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03/25/17 10:23 AM

#292443 RE: spankyvol #292438

yes early stage immunotherapy... what works.. why... how ... which patients... knowledge changes daily... have better combos surfaced ... side effects...

so i prefer bailing out early and not wasting time and money...

the real issue before us is whether mgmt is serious about unleashing the value which will require removing the chains that are keeping value down...

the most obvious way is to increase institutional ownership... an improvement of the bod (preferably replacement) would go a long way in removing some very heavy chains.... look up ISS... per last check PPHM had the lowest score possible...

now if one is an institutional investor with fiduciary obligations of due diligence, one would be considered unwise to invest in a high risk biz such as biotech where even the best intentions and science can go wrong, and a major problem is identified...why start out of the blocks with a major red flag, the BOD, that is easily fixable and controllable by the very folks that have the red flags planted on their backs in full view .... that points to a big problem such as either gross unethical management (in essence planting both feet at the edge of impropriety while flipping the bird to shareholders) or basic lack of common sense... either one is a problem and combined and we have own own immuno disease (not therapy) ... a BOD immune to oversite and consequences... basically parasites (some would argue they do some good ..just like the birds hanging out by the rhinos butthole)... and the best solution is surgery (preferable) or with another intervention such as a better drug (qualified BOD member) along with monitoring (another BOD member)

i have very good source that told me a biotech fund would not invest in pphm due to the BOD...multiplied many times as institutions due the same type of DD (reading ISS reports and ratings), this has a huge impact on share price and share price stability....

so folks, the jig is up, the gravy train must end but you as shareholders need to communicate and demand better...i have worked every channel i can to shine a light on this BS (thru contacts at UT, UTSW, DS lawyers, institutional investors via contacts).... and hopefully impact change...

please do as well...