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03/25/17 6:07 AM

#113491 RE: makinbacon1 #113473

Wrong! Dr. Gupta says otherwise!
All phytocannabinoid (PCR) rich products we produce, manufacture, or distribute, are either imported legally, or derived from 100% Federally legal industrial hemp that is registered with the Colorado State Department of Agriculture and conform fully to the 2014 US Farm Bill section 7606 which federally legalized the cultivation of industrial hemp under certain federal mandated conditions which Entourage Nutritional Distributors and its farming partners and suppliers conform to fully. All products Entourage Nutritional produces, manufactures, markets, or distributes, is fully compliant with all 50 states, local, and international laws.;_ylt=A0LEVr_jQNZYk3gAK3YPxQt.;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--

and other:
In 2004, the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the naturally occurring Cannabinoids contained in non psychoactive varieties of Cannabis (industrial Hemp) are outside of the regulatory power of the DEA after the DEA attempted to enforce a zero tolerance policy on the trace amounts of THC contained in Hemp products being sold at the time, such as nutritional Hemp seed oil. One can view these trace amount of THC being very similar to the trace amount of morphine and codeine found within poppy seeds used for baked goods.

legal cannabis hemp cbd oil
This zero tolerance policy was challenged by the HIA (Hemp Industries Association) who won the ruling in 2004, which was subsequently left unchallenged by the Bush administration and DEA. Industrial Hemp is defined internationally as having .3% THC or less by dry weight, so that has become a defining line between what is legally considered Hemp and what is considered "Marijuana" under U.S. law after the 9th circuit court of appeals ruling that placed the Cannabinoids contained within Hemp into a separate category than those within strains of Marijuana with higher than .3% THC content.

Furthermore, Cannabidiol itself nor any of the other 80 some Cannabinoids derived from the Cannabis plant are scheduled substances in the United States, only THC and a few synthetic Cannabinoids are actually listed as scheduled substances. If CBD is derived from Marijuana, it is illegal as are all constituents of the plant. When derived from commercial hemp, CBD is legal as the Cannabinoids contained in non-psychoactive strains of Cannabis are exempt from regulation in the US and around 40 other countries when used in Hemp finishing products. Some countries do in fact schedule Cannabidiol, such as Canada, where CBD is listed as a Schedule 2 substance. Legal status of Cannabidiol can been seen on the wiki page here.

Strains such as Charlotte's Web, that started out being classified as "marijuana" strains, have now been able to be reclassified as Hemp strains, due to the meeting of the .3% THC threshold. This is an important designation, as breeders are now breeding Cannabis strains down to acceptable THC levels, while still offering a plant that carries all of the other combinations of naturally occurring Cannabinoids, which provide a synergistic effect when taken together along with the plants given Terpenoid and Flavanoid profiles.

This has tremendous implications for people that do not need high THC levels in their Marijuana oil and extracts as it offers a legal avenue to procure CBD Oil for Sale in all 50 states. The 2014 Farm Bill took further steps to distinctly define hemp in the U.S. to allow for early pilot farms to develope and the pending Industrial Hemp Act will sever hemp's connection with marijuana under the Controlled Substances Act once and for all once passed.

Update January 1st, 2017: The recent news stories of the DEA placing hemp based CBD as a schedule one substance have to do with marijuana, and accounting codes, not the above precedents, ie HIA v. DEA 2004, and the 2014 Farm Bill which already exclude hemp based cannabinoids from DEA regulation. See noted cannabis attorney Bob Hoban's excellent blog post here for more details on this latest development. ?