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03/24/17 3:30 PM

#19296 RE: topdog52 #19292

Lol, ok. What drivel.

OTC companies bear the heavy burden of proof of being what they claim.

Companies engaging in toxic behavior bear the heavy burden of proof of demonstrating those debts are retired and will not be revisited.


03/24/17 4:37 PM

#19315 RE: topdog52 #19292

So, TopDog, I guess he's basically saying it's the company's responsibility to prove him wrong? That bashers engaging in accusational behavior bear no burden of proof whatsoever? That's funny!

I guess I'll continue buying UBQU until someone comes along who can finally tell us which woefully undervalued stock of a profitable and rapidly growing company with a cool name, zero debt and audited financials we should be investing in.