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03/24/17 12:09 AM

#16085 RE: moneybags888 #16084

I couldn't agree with you more, been looking at it all day during market hours, I got in at 6s and then tried to average down, and still no bang for my buck. I also too own a hefty amount. Will try not to let it get to me.


03/24/17 12:13 AM

#16086 RE: moneybags888 #16084

WE are pkgm's customers, I think all the hype is pure bullish!t right now or they would not dilute one share but we know they just dumped a half billion so who knows how many since ?? Millions to be made in this industry yet they sell millions of triple zero shares. I call absolute B.S. at this point and the pps supports my disgust.