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03/23/17 7:58 PM

#3899 RE: Pennywiserr #3897

This stock has never gone to some DD...not just make crazy pumps but sorry you bought way too high...I made a nice trade with the last run...I'm not here for lessons but all I can say is play the chart and if that doesn't help there might be a carnival barker job for you...but seriously dude...seen some of your posts they're straight bipolar and help

rule one for people with an IQ of carrot....

A) Never bash a stock you're holding
B) Don't go from pumping to talking negative or people might not take you seriously
C) Don't tell everyone every move you make
D) seek help
E) If steps a-d don't work...jump!

lol...all these noobs like "what made it run"? The same thing that moves everything in the otc ...hype, chatter...and she will run again...Jesus



03/23/17 9:31 PM

#3900 RE: Pennywiserr #3897

Nah, this is the bottom. Been here a few times. I know this one well.


03/24/17 12:19 PM

#3907 RE: Pennywiserr #3897

Hahaha... how did you lose money?