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03/23/17 1:45 PM

#66156 RE: TPX #66139

this is huge for PMCB Say What? A Republican Just Introduced a Bill to End the Federal Prohibition of Marijuana --
The Motley Fool
The Motley Fool Wed, Mar 22 7:12 AM PDT
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You'd struggle to find an industry with a faster and more consistent
long-term growth rate than the legal marijuana industry.

Marijuana's phenomenal growth rate comes on the heels of rapidly
changing consumer opinions toward the substance,
as well as an influx of investing dollars and government interest that wants a piece of the "pot pie," so to speak.

In the year before California became the first state to legalize
medical cannabis for compassionate use, only 25% of respondents
in Gallup's marijuana poll wanted to see it legalized nationally.

Likewise, rapid growth in the industry is attracting venture capitalists, as well as state governments that envision marijuana opening up new revenue channels. ...