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03/23/17 7:56 AM

#2420 RE: blu_1 #2419

So you're saying you talked to a neurologist that "reviewed Neurotrope's clinical trials". We know that seizures were NOT an issue in this 150 patient trial. That's a stated fact as of this week so I'm not sure how an anonymous neurologist could possibly know if/at what point, etc that seizures would be an issue or why they would be for Alz patients vs cancer patients who have been on the drug for up to 2.5 years on much higher doses or why this person would have concerns that the FDA clinical trial board and observers do not.

Let's be clear, you're claiming that the neurologist you talked to said Byrostatin in the current trial "induced increased seizures" and that Dr. Alkon and CEO Wilkes who has stated no issues other than myalgia treated with Tylenol during the trial are lying?


03/23/17 8:22 AM

#2421 RE: blu_1 #2419

"Dr Alkon published a lot of papers on bryostatin, a paper hyping it for treating cancer or HIV and then another reporting its failure. Rinse repeat X39. Now he's writing papers hyping it for yet another indication. He needs vindication to redeem himself. Alkon is like A LOT of researchers, probably the bulk of them. Their drug of study is like their baby. It can do no wrong and no one can say a bad word against it no matter what. Bryostatin is Alkon's career, more than that, it IS his identity, his obsession, and life's purpose. If it were to fail, yet again, he would be crushed. He would feel like his entire career was all for naught and feel like a failure himself. And so he protects himself by wearing blinders (Like a lot of investors I might add). They lose objectivity and dismiss anything they do not want to hear. They have drunk the Kool Aid so to speak and fallen under its spell."

You really don't know what you are talking about here, just pure nonsense.

Dr Alkon's career has been about memory and how it operates. Based on the research he notices that PKC epsilon (and alpha) appear to at least partially regulate how memories are created, stored and retrieved. That led him to investigate PKC epsilon further and try to find substances that activate PKC epsilon. Bryostatin was the best first candidate due to existing safety database. But it's all about PKC epsilon so Alkon and colleagues have created and patented entire platform of PKC epsilon activators for later use.

All this is common knowledge and I believe most here know about it.

"There is A LOT to criticize bryostatin and Neurotrope for, but you won't hear it here cept from me and Xena. In the Anavex Facebook groups investors question the drug and company to put them to the test and hold them accountable and under scrutiny, without spreading conjecture, speculation, and FUD I might add. I see you F1ash doing that ad infinitum everyday on the AVXL ihub page but narry a peep of criticism from you towards NTRP and bryostatin. Are they that pure as the driven snow?"

You are entitled to your opinion even though I think it is ridiculous. On this board people generally understand that there's very real risk that phase 2b can fail and everything they have invested can be lost. That's the whole beauty here, the company and Dr Alkon have the correct approach. They have created a trial that most probably shows whether treatment works or not. There's no if or buts, just the data coming in few weeks.

AVXL and the CEO in the other hand are running never ending phase 2a and seem to report just the bits that they think show the best picture possible. The latest example is their 15 month results that was planned to be presented. But then maybe after seeing what they looked like the CEO apparently decided to not show them after all. So now investors need to wait until 104 week data is available if that is not also later canceled (If data cannot be made look good). But yet no-one seems to think there's anything strange about it.

You are here to criticize Neurotrope and Bryostatin. I get it and welcome you to do that. The problem as I see it is that your criticism isn't usually very valuable since it doesn't add much real content or data, just some opinions that are usually against data that we already have.

I can too come up with any number of "experts" that say anything about anything. Who has time to respond to all possible issues that you can think of. Find some valid public information that supports your views and then you would be very helpful.