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Cartman 3_16

03/22/17 12:00 PM

#35525 RE: White Coal #35524

What? It doesn't mean dilution, but Eves was being truthful about "minimal dilution"?? How does that work???

You should probably refrain from calling someone else's post "spin" if you're going to try and pass that kind of double-talk off as credible.

Cartman 3_16

03/22/17 12:08 PM

#35526 RE: White Coal #35524

Before it gets mischaracterized further, here's the exact quote from Eves:

"It's becoming an increasingly exciting time in this space and we are being very careful to explore every opportunity available to us that will increase shareholder value with as little dilution as possible."

Note that he DID NOT say "so we might avoid dilution", or anything like that. It's from a press release, so he wasn't speaking off the cuff, and he had plenty of time to consider exact verbiage.

Full text here:


03/22/17 12:27 PM

#35529 RE: White Coal #35524

IMO. If you began back in 2012 and tried to count the number of groups who have shown up to invest in this technology, you will be amazed. (I did , and I was) The business plan looks like an ever changing kaleidoscope. There was Jindal Steel, then Ventrillion looked better, etc, etc, etc. This company has had more business partners than Liz Taylor had marriages. ( 8 marriages to 7 husbands) When asked why she married so many times Liz said "Duh, I don't know, honey." Point is that the kaleidoscope is part of the history here. Speculation doesn't live here anymore, we need PROOF, then PPS will increase. I'm not bashing Robin or Aden, I think they have had to deal with a lot of things they had no way to see coming. To the credit of both these men, they don't quit they keep working, hard to make this work. Like Will Rogers once said "Even if your on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." Robin, Aden, thank you, you have kept us moving.