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03/22/17 4:56 PM

#80524 RE: OTC Knight #80521

There surely can't be any investors foolish enough to buy into a Henry Fong scam that was passed along to a complete idiot to pump - Ryan Schadel.

His track record as the most incompetent CEO on the OTCM is unchallenged.

Schadel made Fong look slick.



03/23/17 6:51 AM

#80531 RE: OTC Knight #80521

'OTC Knight' that's a given. 3's will fall again as credible reasons for it continues to mount up.

while the stock market isn't for the unskilled and impatient players, they're nonetheless a large percentage of the pinksheet world.

I was in a stock that was .0002 coming out of December/2016 through January-2017 that shot up over .01 just in the last few weeks and now valued over $17k

however, impatience would have forfeited it all.

just as AFPW went from .0001 to over .0007 to everyone's surprise.
but the .0001's holder and 1-tick flippers took profits and the stock price reacted accordingly as should be expected.
But this didn't kill the stock/company in itself as preached from missed opportunities. (wink-wink!)

The potential momentum is still there and as the summer approaches so will the gains/recovery of the stock price.

just a note:
while the .0001's holder flipped throughout the rise to .0009, there were tons of buyers along the way!

that means there are many new holders/loaders between the .0002's through the .0009's, therefore, their equivalent .0001's will be in the .001 through .002's accordingly.

when AFPW reaches those prices, driven by upcoming accomplishments, there will yet be more loaders and holders from the .001's through the .002's and their .0001's equivalent will be in the .0021 through .003's and so on accordingly.

that's the way it all works.

The required patience wins in the end and likely why board stocks are typically avoided by impatient players.