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Big Brother

03/22/17 9:47 AM

#63 RE: C2Partners #61

One of the biggest things for me is simply the price paid for the shell, you can't always gauge the quality of a merger by this but if you do then $500K for 77% puts this in the upper echelon of what you will see in RM's IMO.

Big Brother

03/22/17 4:30 PM

#65 RE: C2Partners #61

Since EPT is a private company there really isn't a whole lot to go on detail-wise but I wouldn't think $20M in revenue is out of the question considering that big contract they recently signed. We will know more when the Super 8K comes out.

IMO, just based on the research I've done, I'd speculate that EPT is a company who is a leader in their industry, and makes a fantastic product, but was struggling financially for whatever reason(ie poor mgmt??).

I believe David Skriloff and/or MKM Capital Advisors was either brought in... and/or.... purchased a large, controlling block of shares and has righted the ship or is in the process of righting he ship.

Again, I'm just speculating.