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03/22/17 2:32 AM

#75647 RE: Stocktacular #75646

In my opinion Stocktacular, it does not work that way. Bringing FOUR BILLION shares to the market as OUTSTANDING SHARES WILL BRING THE STOCK TO NEXT TO NOTHING. WORSE Than it is now. AFTER the R/S if they TOXICISE only 9,000,000 shares on Sweetheart Deals the price will go to say 5 cents. Then the Toxicateers pays say half or 2 1/2 cents. In this case the shares were only doubled. I know if I was going to be involved in loaning any money to REDG I would want a seat on the BOD WITH THE SAME DEAL AS THE PRESENT members and a SAY IN HOW THE MONIES ARE SPENT. Even the TOXICATEERS HAVE TO BE CAREFUL under these arrangements There may be NO ONE to whom They could SELL THEIR SHARES. LIKE NOW. I stand to be corrected if someone has a brighter outlook. I hope so. Tlsmd