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03/21/17 7:10 PM

#361536 RE: AlanC #361535

Wow, that's horrible Alan! So what's the plan to stop all this manipulation you claim is happening?
Ihub history shows scams like this have never once recovered from this fantasy short reporting for 10 years and counting.
Should investors keep blindly investing hoping for a short cover, or wake up
that they have been scammed like every other stock where the daily short is
FINRA short sales of NTEK
25% of today's volume was short sales!
Go NTEK!!!


03/21/17 10:10 PM

#361541 RE: AlanC #361535

Got a link,,,,Will show all Info and Definitions


03/21/17 11:17 PM

#361546 RE: AlanC #361535

Alan, why won't (a/k/a DaFoleyFelon, PathologicalDavey, ShowerBuddy13141-111) reply to emails asking about share ownership?

We know that DaFoleyFelonCrimeFambly are the ones who own the Series A SUPERVOTING CONvertible preferred shares that CONtrol the majority share vote regardless of how many QUADRILLIONS of common shares are issued and DUMPED, and that the Series A SUPERVOTING CONvertible preferred shares were nott reverse split along with the crushing 1 for 25.1 REVERSE SPLIT, something which is UNusual as most RS's by default reverse split ALL classes of shares equally - UNLESS THE COMPANY AFFIRMATIVELY DECIDES NOTT TO RS a share class - like NTEK did for DaFoleyCrimeFambly's Series A SUPERVOTING CONvertible preferred shares.

Nott that it would make any real difference anyway, except for the amount of commons those shares would CONvert into, because by definition the Series A SUPERVOTING CONvertible preferred shares will always retain the majority vote regardless of how many of them there are.

So why is DaDaveyFelon ... errr.... still nott replying to email inquiries on issues like share ownership more than 10 days later?


03/21/17 11:56 PM

#361548 RE: AlanC #361535

Thanks for the Short Report Alan.

NTEK will thrive!!


$$$$$$$$$$ ULTRAFLIX $$$$$$$$$$