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03/21/17 10:42 AM

#38716 RE: Newtogame #38715

......I just told you who, we believe, bought the highlander capital block..........doesn't really matter because whether directly, or indirectly guy is calling the shots.................. theory, off the record, is GS took the block and doles out shares to young, key employees who put them in a ROTH or regular IRA, or transfer them in with little or no value.......................THEN THE SHARES INCREASE A free or tax deferred and = farily big money........................UN--M-F/-ing--BELIEVABLE.....(there is a slight technical problem with this due to the 'change of ownership' rules - which are strict, but there are loop-holes, imo).........

.....but the BIG MONEY BOYS are still in control of this uwbi MONSTER, imo................will be fun watching how SHE closes out............

......wish I had a million or so shares of this rotting ROADKILL.......

aimho, btw................