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03/31/17 2:12 AM

#955 RE: inversor86 #954

SA: "Skyworks Solutions: Powerful Tailwinds"

"How Skyworks Makes Money

Skyworks is a diversified semiconductor company. However, this paints the business with too broad a brush. Without trying to get overly technical, I encourage interested readers to plow through this section for a bit more depth about the company's business.

Despite manufacturing many kinds of semiconductors, Skyworks' core business is focused upon smartphone solutions. These include analog RF (radio frequency) amplifiers, detectors, and filters. Skyworks generates much of its revenue through the manufacture and sale of these products to most of the world's foremost handset manufacturing companies."


03/31/17 9:31 AM

#964 RE: inversor86 #954

Doubt any refer to themselves as "PMs." This sentence is a puzzle, a rather nauseating one: "Looks like I am the one to drink all beers from their pockets... "