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03/20/17 10:19 PM

#925 RE: Pooky bear #924

Pooky, read Newshounds posts #902 and #903. 903 mostly. It's a common practice in Russia where our money man is from. A lot of smaller companies don't have the money to use the Prop oil well enhancement process, so PROP takes shares as payment and slowly becomes part owner....Bluetick


03/20/17 11:29 PM

#926 RE: Pooky bear #924

Why? "If even a few start-ups, in which Abramovich has invested, will be able to change the world for the better, the novel itself will be known not only for the efficient development of natural resources, - Litsyn said. - As far as I understand from talking to him, such a result is more important than cash income for him. " SIMON LITSYN