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03/18/17 1:08 PM

#361449 RE: kbrod1 #361448

Legal filings set table for criminal prosecution...

If you read the details of the March 16 request filed by the attorneys for Judgement Creditor Long Side Ventures, the filing requests that the court compel Enforcement Debtor NTEK to produce the court-ordered disclosures of their liquid assets and sellable property and inventory IMMEDIATELY and without further delay

The Enforcement Debtor's argument is solid and I fully expect the judge to rule in their favor and force full disclosure from NTEK- particularly given the validity of Long Side's argument that NTEK already files financial reports freely available to the public.

It's a little late for Foley to now go back and attempt to revise any financial documents already released to the public. Remember that it is those very documents that guide the investing public and have allowed this scam to appear legit and continue to trade at it's current valuation.

NTEK claims to have earned millions in revenue and millions in seizable property (inventory, accounts receivable, etc.), yet they've failed to disclose the details of this seizable property to the Enforcement Creditor in direction violation of court orders to do so.

So Foley has what appears to be an insurmountable problem: NTEK's last financial disclosure was a mere 30 days ago. If NTEK reports the millions in seizable property they claim they have, there will be an immediate execution against those assets and NTEK will be sunk. as the entire asset side of the balance sheet will disappear.

If Foley submits to the courts documentation that doesn't square up with the millions they themselves have been reporting quarter after quarter, he's screwed and will be returning to prison for an extended stay, as it is these very financial reports that form a basis for the investing public's valuation of the company.

Keep in mind that Long Side has already formed the basis for criminal claims, stating in their filings to the court that "its (NTEK) principals appear to be bleeding the market by trading shares though shell entities and related members to the principal's family."

Although you won't read any of the facts of the court filings in "happy land," rest assured that one way or the other, Long Side will get their pound of flesh, and Foley's teetering on the edge of finally facing the music for his criminal misconduct.

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03/18/17 1:42 PM

#361450 RE: kbrod1 #361448

I remember when I bought in ntek so I could check with the TA for information and get the promised ntgl shares too, only to be told the ta was gagged and then after weeks of hundreds of millions of shares dumped by the principal on the dividend news, he did a r/s, which was NEVER going to happen as per the principal and dead crook al stone.
Yeah, nothing but lies and broken promises. How can any sane person really believe nanosux is a real company?
Even the promoters knew they were pumping a criminal enterprise.

I'm expecting only a few things here. Another r/s, announcement of the BK and merge into swig while dropping everything ntek in name.
And or, the principal and his family flee to his off shore mansion and accounts in belize.
The principal can't be trusted and should be considered a flight risk.
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03/18/17 1:58 PM

#361452 RE: kbrod1 #361448

"Felon founder gave himself a billion shares while in jail and then had the audacity to give his wife another 30 million shares and she doesn't even work."

No, DaFoleyFelon gave himself OVER a BILLION shares while in prison, AND gave his wife an ADDITIONAL 753,000,000 shares on the pre-reverse split basis (30,000,000 x 25.1).

Then ADD in the shares he issued to his brothers Phildo and Jeffy, and his relatives Steve Foley, Lorraine Cullivan-Foley, And Denise Clifford (also a Foley relative).

And he is STILL holding a toxic floorless CONvertible debt claim on NTEK and still issuing shares to friends and fambly.

NTEK is a criminal enterprise. It is a Racketeer-Influenced Corrupt Organization by all definitions of that term.
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03/18/17 6:40 PM

#361457 RE: kbrod1 #361448

LOL, I was here a few months before you, and I didn't even remember what brought me here.
Now I remember after looking back at my first post.

Welcome to the land of losing all your money with NTEK.
I wish you luck, you will certainly need it.
Hi fourkids_9pets,

What a great post--- Member Marked. Refreshing to see someone who not only understands-but provides solid data to inform the retail investor.
Looking forward to Nov data.